


Cubic chunks Support

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


WORLDEDIT-3623 - Reported by Dan


I am aware that you already know about this but I simply wanted to inform you that I and many others would extremely appreciate the effort being put into making a compatible version of WorldEdit for Cubik Chunks. I have a major project I am hoping to work on and I need the world height expanded which is why I am using the CC mod, however sadly your mod does not work outside the vanilla boundaries. I hope that this comment will be an encouragement and not a discouragement to create a version for CC. I appreciate the work you do and hope to be using WE with CC in the future.



Comment by wizjany

we have no plans to do this really.
someone brought this up before because they were trying to make WE compatible, but i never really figured out what the issue with it was. if it's something relatively small maybe someone can just make a pull request


still no chance?


There is no cubic chunks for 1.13+ as far as we know, but support for it (or something similar) to integrate into WorldEdit has been added.

For previous versions, there's #511 but we probably won't ever merge that. I'm not even sure that functions with a release of CC. You can build it yourself if you want, but we won't be releasing any new 1.12.2 versions.


the next version they will be doing is 1.17