


World Edit /thru command

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 0 comments


WORLDEDIT-3763 - Reported by kekeron

Hi, the problem with the /thru command is that it doesn't care which elevation I am at, it always teleports you through the wall on the floor behind it. So if you're flying at y:100 and /thru a wall it will places you on the ground behind the wall unless there is a block right behind the wall higher than ground under you - then it teleports you there.
I'd like if it could be changed to the way MoreCommands handles it. Their /thru commands teleports you to the first whole number y under your elevation in front of the wall. So say you're flying at y:100,789. Then you're teleported at y:100 behind the wall.

I hope it's understandable, if not I can potentially supply a video.
