


/unstuck can be used to cheat

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments


WORLDEDIT-3677 - Reported by SioWolf

Players can use /unstuck as an instant elevator in survival by stacking blocks vertically - it always teleports them to the top, no matter how many are stacked. The easiest way to build the base is a stair block on the ground, and then another stair block placed upside down above the first one, with one air block between them.

Edit: Only developers can change the project field on the issue tracker.


Comment by PseudoKnight

This is not a bug. It's designed this way. It's like /jumpto, but with your current location as the target. If you don't want players to have navigation (ie. teleportation) commands from WorldEdit, do not give them the permission nodes. All of them can be used to "cheat" in survival mode.


Comment by SioWolf

@PseudoKnight It's a real shame this isn't being fixed. I had deliberately given people that permission because it was very useful when players were stuck inside blocks after teleporting.


Comment by PseudoKnight

First, you should fix the teleport location (or if you can, warn players if it's determined to be unsafe, like I do). Second, they can always teleport out if they're stuck (or break themselves free if possible). Because of these things, it's never been an issue on my server (at least since 2012 when people would often fall through floors on teleportation).

WorldEdit isn't really made for survival play. The command does what it's designed to do. It's not a bug.

It'd be really difficult to make an unexploitable /unstuck command, especially given the above example, which is probably why I've never attempted it.


Comment by PseudoKnight

Perhaps only allowing the command within a certain amount of time after teleportation?


Comment by SioWolf

@PseudoKnight Eh, there are many ways players can get stuck - only allowing it after teleportation solves just one of them, and is apparently something that can be fixed in other ways. If you are willing, could you help me solve why my server is having issues with teleportation? I don't want to derail this thread any further. Discord: 8bit#0001

Edit: I think a good solution for /unstuck would be to attempt to teleport them up unless its more than 2 blocks, then scan for the nearest safe location in any direction around them. This could still be exploited, but I don't think it would be as extreme of an exploit as it is currently.