


WorldEdit #3908 Brushes not working, regen kinda broken

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments


WORLDEDIT-3745 - Reported by takatalvi.1

I'm running the latest (3908) WE on the latest Spigot (today), on Java SE 8u152. I updated WE just today, from 3894 I think, to the latest, and suddenly, brushes stopped working. All commands execute correctly, I can bind the brush and a mask to a tool, all is well. But the brush simply does nothing, and the console gives no errors - I tried many different combinations but everything is the same. Did something in the config change, that I should somehow activate something? Selection manipulation commands work as intended, except for //regen - see next paragraph.

//regen is behaving strange - in most cases it regenerates only some chunks and not others (apparently random selection, no obvious pattern). Plus I had a very strange occurrence - I found a very old building (by a player) and decided to remove it. First I made a selection and used //set air, which worked, but when I selected the whole area and tried //regen, the building went back?? Along with the entities that were there. I'm at loss here, completely confused. It's as if //regen did simple //undo, which makes no sense. It didn't give any errors either, as far as WE's concerned, it thinks it did a good job. But in truth, it restored an area to its previous state, apparently as if from a saved world file, while it should regenerate the area based on the world seed.

What can be done about these issues?


Comment by PseudoKnight

//regen is a separate issue that affects any plugin regenerating chunks using the Bukkit API. It restores the chunk to when it was last saved, as far as I can tell. Please make separate posts for separate issues in the future. In this case we already have an issue for it:

I can confirm the brush issue. Something in the batching commits seems to have broken it.


Comment by me4502

Try the latest build