more functions for script engine
hellow554 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I want to do something with the ScriptEngine, but sometimes it makes me impossible to what i want.
That's why, i want three new functions in /Worldedit/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/
public Player getRealPlayer() {
return this.player;
public World getRealWorld() {
return this.player.getWorld();
public Server getRealServer() {
return this.player.getServer();
i'd really love to see them. Thanks!
Did it? But I think the sense of this issues/pull request system is to ask for new functions, so that everybody have them. I need them esspecially for some functions where you need to handle the player, but i didnt find any function in original, that does this....
which is why you do it yourself and pull requet, because no one else cba to do something so mundane
@punkkeks the idea is that you will fork the code here, using the fork button in the upper right hand corner, and edit the code yourself so that it works the way you want. Then you press the pull request button, and the code will be reviewed and then (possibly) included in the source.