


Mask cannot be used with pure block-type

LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 1 comments


WORLDEDIT-3846 - Reported by octylFractal

Masks always do an exact match on the block, with no option for a partial match.

We should probably have a few options:

  1. Wildcard match. Used if no properties a specified, e.g. //gmask rail should mask any rail. (2) makes this the default behavior if implemented.
  2. Property-wildcard match. Used if a property is not specified e.g. //gmask repeater[delay=1] should mask any repeater with a delay of 1.
  3. Full-property match. Current option, but would change from being the default to only working if all properties are specified.

I think this would make masks much more useful in general, since typically people wish to mask a block type, not a block state. Alternatively, we could put this functionality behind another prefix, such as *.


Comment by erçin

Hi. I'm using 1.12.2. When I load many plugins (example +50) addmembers not working for groups. But working for players (as names).
/rg def vip
/rg f vip entry deny
/rg addmember g:vip
But vip players cannot enter when loaded +50 plugins. please help me!