


lighting bugs and a suggested solution

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 10 comments


WORLDEDIT-3890 - Reported by WHiZ

there have been massive lighting glitches with w.e. for years. if you remove blocks mc still thinks they are there for lighting purposes and leaves things pitch black below as a result.

here you can see a mountain range I cut through with w.e. I tried to fix some black space by adding hundreds of lanterns, but that doesn't fix the actual issue here. notice how dark the water area is. also, notice my skylight value of 15. I'm above where the mountain was.

here I've just gone straight down from the previous pic, and looked up to show nothing above me. notice my skylight is now 0. without any skylight the area is now pitch black except for torches.

this one is interesting. a similar pitch-black area I cut through, but where I manually placed beams of glowstone high above where the removed land was it reset the lighting below and you can see them. sadly when i tried a //set glowstone up there to see if it would fix all of it. obviously no it didn't.

more manually added blocks fixes more lighting. but this just isn't realistic to do on large scale.

so 2 real solutions here. first one is more vanilla, a command to mimic manually placed blocks at a sky height to force lighting recalculations/corrections.

or perchance better yet, there is already another plugin that successfully fixes these issues caused by worldedit. adapt some of the code they use and integrate it. its not 1.14 compat yet or I'd be using it, but more importantly it shouldn't be up to a 3rd party to fix lighting issues caused by using this plugin.


Comment by wizjany

there have been massive lighting glitches with w.e. for years.

I question the entire premise of your post. Lighting being broken in 1.14 is a vanilla issue, and vanilla has had lighting bugs since its inception.

WorldEdit does call whatever relighting vanilla has when it sets blocks. Any lighting bugs you might think are present in worldedit are generally perfectly reproducible in vanilla minecraft, whether manually or via things like /fill or whatnot.

Perhaps instead of going on about what doesn't work to fix lighting, you could give reproduction instructions on how WorldEdit breaks lighting in a way that doesn't happen in vanilla.

Additionally, suggesting we adapt solutions like light-cleaner is rather pointless - why should we re-invent something that's already been done? If it works for you, use it. Light-cleaner works by entirely redoing lighting using its own lighting algorithms and calculations. If vanilla's aren't sufficient, that's inherently not worldedit's problem.


Comment by WHiZ

  1. I don't appreciate everyone being lied to about this

  2. anyone who has used worldedit //fill with air, or //move or brush or other commands has experienced these lighting issues.. they are NOT 1.14 issues, they have existed for YEARS. a quick search of your own bug tracker shows scattered reports all the way back to 2015

  3. trying to obfuscate worldedit lighting bugs in the context of vanilla lighting glitches during worldgen is dishonest. vanillas lighting issues with black areas are caused during world gen, NOT in having placed or removed blocks. worldedit's lighting bugs are caused during block placement/removal.

  4. I did provide a very clear demonstration of the problem and my findings as to fix it. but to make it more clear and disprove your statements I went and made a new test and manually broke thousands of blocks, used the built-in /minecraft:fill command, and did a worldedit //fill. here are the results.

  • i'll let you guess which hole was made with worldedit. boy it looks like vanilla worked fine eh?
  1. my earlier post brought more information to the discussion with the actual cause of the missing blocks still blocking the light as evidenced by the skylight levels I outlined. this had not been previously outlined that I have noticed. knowing the cause opens up potential solutions for a fix.

  2. lastly, I'm disgusted at your suggestion and brushing off of glitches this plugin CAUSES, and cost it's users countless manual hours to fix, are someone else's responsibility write and maintain a FIX.

  3. you are welcome for the hours i spent writing and compiling the information and screenshots to try to help the development to make an even better plugin then the generally great one we have.


Comment by wizjany

First, fuck right off with the attitude. We don't owe you anything. We develop this in our free time and get nothing from it. Really, fuck off.
Second, Worldedit's fill command takes a radius and a depth. It fills a "hole" with a specified pattern. Whatever you did in that screenshot, it's not //fill. For all the accusation of lying, you're completely full of shit.
Third, using //set (which is probably what you did? again, reproduction steps would be great, not just images with misleading captions): looks fine to me


Comment by WHiZ

you are right , i call it filling, and minecraft has it as /fill but i misstated the we cmd, it was //set air .. and also //move and brushes with air


Comment by WHiZ

interestingly, i decided to test something based on your screenshot which has a large height of airspace. the other one i had selected the 2 corners and ran the set cmd, these i made corners partially above and expanded downward, and there was some air space, notice how they are partially black and partially light getting in.


Comment by WHiZ

this is /brush sphere air 5. i did 4 next to one another first 3 were pitch black, last one is partially letting light in


Comment by wizjany

can you reproduce this on 1.13? looks like from your f3 on an earlier screenshot, this is 1.14, which as i've said it known to be broken.
but your claim is that WE has had issues for years, so you should be able to reproduce all of this on 1.13 right?


Comment by WHiZ

yes, these are 1.14, but yes i had similar probs in 1.13 and 1.12.. i however no longer have a server running either.


Comment by WHiZ

and kindly stop diminishing my report, calling it a "claim". it is a fact that many people have experienced. in fact everyone i know who has ever used it has experienced it. plugins have been written to address it. blog posts made about it. your own issues database shows it going back till at least 2015 people reporting issues with placed blocks not blocking light and removed blocks not letting it through. so im not making this up.


Comment by wizjany

that's an awful lot of rant and terribly little reproduction steps.