


worldedit //naturalize

LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 5 comments


WORLDEDIT-3889 - Reported by WHiZ

if the blocks are underwater can we get this command to use sand,dirt, and gravel rather than grassblocks


Comment by WHiZ

and clay too


Comment by me4502

Logically this makes sense, just need to determine what makes it “underwater”. Is it being directly below a water block? Is it being in an ocean biome?


Comment by WHiZ

definitely under a water block as you have rivers, swamps, small lakes and such. people rarely edit biomes if they are manually making things like those, for me, I just cut the land and fill the water. this would allow you to just select your whole working area and it would naturalize both the shores and river together properly.

I feel it would be way too difficult changing the biome in the shape of what you make, unless we also got an "auto change any changed blocks to biome xyz" option, as using cuboids or polies to adjust twisted rivers's biomes you make would be torturous.


Comment by wizjany

it makes more sense to add a layer pattern/command than try to guess what the right blocks will be for certain areas.


Sounds similar to #911