


Block that connect don't connect when left click with wand

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments


WORLDEDIT-4039 - Reported by JamesKMD

Block such as glass pane fence walls
//set new one have this issue too


Comment by wizjany

platform? platform version? worldedit version? etc?
would be best if you could just provide logs
this behavior is generally handled by the platform api and out of our control sooo


Comment by JamesKMD

sorry it java edition 1.144.
platform Bukit-Official(7.1.1-beta-1;7039dc8)
and how to get log?


Comment by wizjany

that's not a valid version number. are you time traveling from the future?

upload logs/latest.log


Comment by JamesKMD

sorry for the delay
it 7.1.0


Comment by wizjany

your worldedit is outdated, but there's no WE issue here anyway. restoring the block after clicking with the wand is handled by bukkit, though i don't recall this being an issue so it's more likely something with other plugins (possibly protocol hacks).
in the second case with //set, the panes connect to each other because those are the blocks you set and thus those that receive updates. connecting to neighboring blocks would require additional updates, which is an existing feature request iirc but not a bug.