


selecting the first position shows (-1, -1, -1) instead of selected block.

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments


WORLDEDIT-4041 - Reported by RealTony123

so when i left click to select the first position always selects (-1, -1, -1) for some reason
then happens when u are in creative mode and u try to do first pos with axe
These 2 images show that this bug happens. it sends out 2 first positions and it is always doing -1,-1,-1 on new worlds and some worlds
Happens on 1.15.2 and on world edit 7.1.0, On creative mode it happens
but the //pos1 command works fine, its just when you are using the world edit axe and u try to left click to select first pos and it pops 2 up and the bottom one shows (-1,-1,-1)


Comment by wizjany

last person who had this reported it was due to some enchantable mod.
either way, it's not reproducible with just worldedit as far as we can tell.