


//copy and //paste of items like Paint+ItemFrames

JoshTheBuilder13 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


WorldEdit version: 7.2.0
Platform version: forgeOptifine 1.16.4

So i have a Big Castle, i've been working on it for 5 years now, and inside there are decorations like Paints (Lots of them) and Item Frames. This castle is from Version 1.12 of Minecraft, so i decided to just make a save of that castle so it won't be corrupted while jumping to 1.16.4; The schematic save was all done correctly but when i pasted it in a new world all Paints and Item Frames were gone.

I thought it was a bug but then i tried a second time with Item frames and paints on random blocks, but the issue persisted.

if there is a fix for that idk this would be helpfull


Use the -e flag on copy and paste to copy/paste entities