


Placing stairs boots other player's wi-fi.

NinaCMercer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


WorldEdit Version


Platform Version



  • I am using the most recent Minecraft release.
  • I am using a version of WorldEdit compatible with my Minecraft version.
  • I am using the latest or recommended version of my platform software.
  • I am NOT using a hybrid server, e.g. a server that combines Bukkit and Forge. Examples include Arclight, Mohist, and Cardboard.
  • I am NOT using a fork of WorldEdit, such as FastAsyncWorldEdit (FAWE) or AsyncWorldEdit (AWE)

Bug Description

I placed the roof stairs exactly how i wanted, however the server owner got completely booted almost immediately afterwards.

His wi-fi even shutdown, and he presumably had to un-plug and re-plug his router.

Expected Behavior

The stairs to place without any issue.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Have builder or higher rank on a server, that has at least one other player online.
  2. Run "//pos 1", "//pos 2", and "//set quartz_stairs[facing=east,half=bottom]"
  3. Wait until you see "[insertplayername] has left the game" in the chat/console.
  4. Contact, and ask them what happened on their end.

Anything Else?

This did NOT occur with other commands, i.e "//set quartz_stairs". It was specifically placing stairs that faced a specific direction.


this is hilarious, but absolutely not a worldedit bug.