


Could not dispatch event: com.sk89q.worldedit.event.platform.CommandEvent@724cb3c4 to handler EventHandler{priority=NORMAL}

SpeedrunnerG55 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


WorldEdit Version


Platform Version

fabric 1.20.1


  • I am using the most recent Minecraft release.
  • I am using a version of WorldEdit compatible with my Minecraft version.
  • I am using the latest or recommended version of my platform software.
  • I am NOT using a hybrid server, e.g. a server that combines Bukkit and Forge. Examples include Arclight, Mohist, and Cardboard.
  • I am NOT using a fork of WorldEdit, such as FastAsyncWorldEdit (FAWE) or AsyncWorldEdit (AWE)

Bug Description

when pasting a schematic not all of the schematic gets pasted in. Seemingly arbitrary chunks of the schematic are left out at the chunk borders, and sometimes tile entities are missing such as dispensers. each time i paste the same schematic in different locations different parts are missing, but always in the same space relative to the world

Expected Behavior

the entire schematic is pasted without errors in console

Reproduction Steps

  1. start up a new super flat world
  2. load schematic
  3. paste schematic

Anything Else?

No response