Crafter block isn´t rotated with //rotate (Fabric, 1.21.4)
BolverBlitz opened this issue · 1 comments
WorldEdit Version
Platform Version
- I am using the most recent Minecraft release.
- I am using a version of WorldEdit compatible with my Minecraft version.
- I am using the latest or recommended version of my platform software.
- I am NOT using a hybrid server, e.g. a server that combines Bukkit and Forge. Examples include Arclight, Mohist, and Cardboard.
- I am NOT using a fork of WorldEdit, such as FastAsyncWorldEdit (FAWE) or AsyncWorldEdit (AWE)
Bug Description
Copy a structure with a crafter block, rotate it by 180° and it will not get rotated
Expected Behavior
Crafter output side also gets rotated
Reproduction Steps
- Build Structure with Crafter
- Select the Structure
- //copy
- //rotate 180
- //paste
- Structre does not longe work because the Crafter spits out on the wrong side
Anything Else?
My example Structure (Rename .txt to .schem) and place in /config/worldedit/schematics