Restoring areas - pasting schematics via console
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments
WORLDEDIT-2466 - Reported by rogerin0
I was wondering if you could make it possible to paste schematics in a specified location using the console. I'd imagine the command would look something like this: [ //schematic paste X Y Z ].
Unfortunately, some arena plugins such as MobArena and pvparena fail to restore destroyed blocks in the arena after prolonged use. Thus, they will need to be restored by manually pasting a schematic that was saved when the arena was healthy OVER the current arena. If pasting schematics through the console becomes possible, one can simply schedule the command to be run via the console periodically. This will save an INVALUABLE amount of time.
This feature would be so useful. I hope you consider implementing it. :)
Comment by rogerin0
I am well aware of [ //schem load ] and [ //paste ]. Likewise, I know very well console commands aren't supported. That was the whole reason of me creating this ticket, because I had sincerely hoped you would consider implementing this.
Essentially, this would double up as a 'restore region' sort of feature, one that could be automated. It would be incredibly useful.