Make some predefined value for expression of //deform and //g
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments
WORLDEDIT-2957 - Reported by mmis1000
I thought it will be useful if there is some predefined variable for //deform and //g.
Since mc has a text length limit for 100 char.
this way may make these commands more useful.
I though we can make
r = (x^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5
rx = (y^2+z^2)^0.5
ry , rz works the same
ax mean the angle of the point with x axis
ay , az works the same
or will can define a prefix of the Expression
like we can run
//prefix add r=(x^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5;
then when we run this
//g 35 r<5;
it will actually run this
//g 35 '''r=(x^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5;'''r<5;
though we can do this through a craftscipt, make it with command is really easier.
Comment by wizjany
pretty sure minecraft recently changed the limit for commands. additionally, we're not about to implement a workaround for one command. if we were to fix a line length issue, we would make a global way to do multiline commands.
Comment by mmis1000
mc only change the limit of command block but not chat box.
However, it seems impossible to excuse a we command from a command block.