Per-group max-selection permissions
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments
WORLDEDIT-2990 - Reported by Marcel.Gregoriadis
Hello, my server will get a creative world where worldedit will be enabled for users. But they could easily produce lags, thats where I need help!
But this max. select setting should only be for specific permission groups.
Comment by PseudoKnight
Use limits.
default: 10000
maximum: 1000000```
The example above means that by default people cannot edit more than 10000 blocks at a time. However, people with worldedit.limit can adjust this limit temporarily using "//limit 20000", all the way up to the maximum value. People with worldedit.limit.unrestricted are not restricted by the default or maximum limits. Thus you have 4 effective permission groups to limit blocks changed by given commands: none, default, maximum, unlimited.
Note that limits (and max-radius) does not apply to all commands.