Pasting a schematic in WorldEdit 6 can cause some blocks to pop as items
LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 1 comments
WORLDEDIT-3218 - Reported by ridddle
Steps to reproduce:
- Save a village as a schematic. Here is one:
- Paste it. Everything works.
- Paste it again. Doors, crops, torches will pop out as item entities.
- Rotate schematic before pasting by 90° or 270°
- Paste it. Droors, crops and torches will pop out as item entities.
In WorldEdit 5.9 we avoided the issue programatically by doing this:
EditSession editSession = new EditSession(new BukkitWorld(placement.getWorld()), -1);
localSession.getClipboard().place(editSession, middle, ignoreAir);
This however stopped working for WorldEdit 6.