Worley's Caves

Worley's Caves


Request: Compat between worley and Subterranean Waters

edenhack opened this issue · 5 comments


Merely giving this a shot but would it be possible to have these intermesh each other in some way? I love worleys caves for the intense large caves they build that are great for Trolls and other modded mobs to inhabit. But I also like sub waters for an interesting twist on gathering rare resources.


The two mods do work together, or did you mean something else


I see what you mean, I'll take a look


I've added additional checks, which helps a bet but isn't a perfect fix. Not sure how to fix all the floating water without wrecking the performance. Currently the problem is made worse by a bug in subterranean water that causes the underground lakes to cut off on chunk borders, not sure if that mod is still being worked on.
