Worley's Caves

Worley's Caves


Dooglamoo worlds compatibility

blocks119 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Bacially i'm making a modpack and I am using Dooglamoo worlds as the main terrain generator , unfortunately by default dooglamoo worlds removes vanilla caves and doesnt allow worley's caves to generate , do you have any idea how i might go about making them compatible? or do you have any other possible ways to add caves in ?

I'd appreciate any suggestions

  • blocks119

Worley's Caves works with the standard forge cave event. It would be up to the Dooglamoo dev to allow other cave generator to take over. The mod isn't open source so I can't exactly make a pull request to them either, you'd have to open an issue on their mod page. I can't think of any way to force my cave gen to run while using their world type.