


Missing translations can cause confusing behaviour to occur

geekazodium opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Missing translations may cause features to load while not setting the flag that indicates features have loaded, causing multiple instances of features being created when texturepacks are reloaded and is hard to troubleshoot as error is completely unrelated to the weird behavior.


(cleaned up comments)


I don't fully understand. Are you talking about when a required automatically generated i18n key is missing, which causes the feature to fail loading in development mode?


basically the features do successfully load, but the problem is that the flag that remembers the feature is loaded isn't set so when textures are reloaded it will try to load another instance of features making really confusing stuff to happen sometimes


I don't fully understand. Are you talking about when a required automatically generated i18n key is missing, which causes the feature to fail loading in development mode?

I don't actually know this super well, do assert statements only have an effect in development env?


the thing is missing translation keys for configurations in development would not completely fail the feature from loading, the feature loads, but then when I change textures it will load a new instance of the feature without unloading the current instance, meaning you get 2 instances of the feature, this was kinda painful to troubleshoot because the error seems completely unrelated to the unintended behavior.