


/wynntils should have feature and config commands as sub-commands

kristofbolyai opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I agree that these commands can be on their own, but it is weird not to have them as sub-commands as well.


I might have used /wynntils config too many times during development... Although, it does feel weird to not have a /wynntils feature command, as I think it expresses that I want to do something with a Wynntils feature. All in all, it does not hurt to have them IMO.

(I also agree that we can just do this for all commands to be consistent)


Is that really so? For all other /wynntils things, it is more about like the "meta" of the Wynntils mod, like discord, version, etc. /feature and /config is like core functionality of the mod.

It's like we should have /wynntils lootrun.

But if you think that is a good idea, and that basically all of our commands should be able to be prefixed with /wynntils as well, I don't know really what to say. If it is important to you, well, then we fix it. But if that is the case, we should be consistent and do so for all our commands.


if we do this for all commands we would have /wynntils wynntils