Quest book query failure
kristofbolyai opened this issue · 6 comments
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT]
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] §bSee yourself live on the web map:
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) [CHAT] §d§
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (wynntils) Scheduling character info query
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (wynntils) Entering world WC28
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (wynntils) Scheduling quest book query
[19:56:10] [Render thread/INFO] (wynntils) Requesting rescan of Quest Book
[19:56:11] [Render thread/INFO] (wynntils) Deducing character CharacterInfo[classType=Warrior/Knight, reskinned=false, level=105, id=-1]
[19:56:11] [Render thread/WARN] (wynntils) Error querying Quest Book:Container contents without associated container open
This does not seem to happen every time.
This is not as much an "error" as a report that the fail-safe mechanism of the container query is working.
I should maybe rephrase it so it does not say "error".
I wonder what I can do about that. The error is raised if we get a ContainerSetContentEvent before we got the MenuOpenedEvent. Maybe they can come out of order.