


1.16.4, fed 4 eggs to a rooststalker. doesn't tame????

acquaintedFowl opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Logs: {Link(s) to GitHub Gist, Pastebin, etc with full latest.log and/or crash report}

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Do this
  2. Then do that
  3. ...

Description of issue:


Not a bug. Roost stalkers take 1-10 eggs to tame, however a dragon egg (doesn't matter what dragon) is an instant tame. Keep feeding it.


problem is i just tested it in creative, spawned in 5 roost stalkers - 2 of them needed one dragon egg, one of them needed 14, and sorry i wasn't specific (when i said egg i meant dragon egg)


Actually it doesn't matter what egg it is the taming effectiveness is the same. (The dragon egg thing will be a feature later). As for now, roost stalkers have a 1 in 4 chance to tame if you feed it any egg. (Includes modded ones)


Huh, I guess I remember the dragon egg being an instatame from an older version. I'm pretty sure it used to be a thing since I used to test it and it was always an instatame.