1.16.5 server crash
Daejangnamu opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Description of issue:
Could you provide a description of the issue instead of just the crash log?
Actually it's quite visible that dragon fires breathing projectiles and it crashes
at com.github.wolfshotz.wyrmroost.entities.projectile.DragonProjectileEntity.func_70071_h_(DragonProjectileEntity.java:63) ~[wyrmroost:1.16.3-1.2.11] {re:classloading}
at com.github.wolfshotz.wyrmroost.entities.projectile.breath.FireBreathEntity.func_70071_h_(FireBreathEntity.java:37) ~[wyrmroost:1.16.3-1.2.11] {re:classloading}
Could you provide a description of the issue instead of just the crash log?
If an error occurs again, I will report it.
I also don't know the exact cause of the error.