


Game randomly crashes with aarch64 assembly error

0xallie opened this issue ยท 8 comments


This is the bug I reported previously on Discord, just making a formal bug report now.

It's pretty random when this happens, but I keep getting this on my M1 Mac with Fabric/Quilt 1.20.1/1.20.2.

Workaround: Run Minecraft in Rosetta using an x86_64 Java installation (may incur a slight performance penalty).


Could be a bug in mixin or in the aarch64 jdk itself

i'm not doing anything particularly weird that would be CPU architecture specific in XaeroPlus so i have no clue


I ran into this same issue on prism launcher and it only happened to me after a world had been loaded for a bit (less than a minute, more than a few seconds). I tried opening a world several times, and then didn't press any keys and it seemed like it crashed at a fairly consistent interval. I wonder if it's tied to an intermittent task like saving the world or something similar.

I was able to use 0xallie's workaround and run prism launcher in rosetta and & using an x86_64 java version.

I might come back to this later and see if I can narrow things down at all. If you want any help debugging or trying things out, dm me on discord @PoTheMagicDragon

Note to future self for things to try:

  • Run in different launchers
  • Run on forge instead of fabric
  • Find exact times for how long the world is loaded before it crashes
  • Look more into the logs to see if there are any consistent events that happen right before the crash

I've gotten some early reports of success with this commit: e3d5658

I'm looking for people to test it over a few hours of playtime and confirm it does or does not fix

Prebuilt Fabric 1.20.1 jar


Hey, same issue here, m2 mac.

Pretty much the same behaviour than other people.
I've tried @rfresh2's build and still get the same crashes (after few seconds).

Forget about that, seems to be working right now, will keep testing it


Hey, same issue here, m2 mac.

Pretty much the same behaviour than other people. I've tried @rfresh2's build and still get the same crashes (after few seconds).

Could you send the crash log to me either here (paste into https://mclo.gs/) or on discord DM's?

I want to figure out if its changed at all


I pinged you on Discord @rfresh2


I've received a couple reports that its working so I pushed the update

if anyone still has issues you can reply here or dm me directly