Compound Barrels storing items?
LezChap opened this issue ยท 2 comments
FTB Utilities
I'm using an Item Barrel Connector to import from a ME Storage Bus on a wall of barrels, and using Compound Barrels to turn the corners of the walls. When I place an item that doesn't have a barrel into the ME system, it is stored in one of the Compound Barrels. It appears to store more than a stack of the item, but I haven't dumped enough items to reach a limit (25 stacks without hitting one) I'm guessing the Item Barrel Connector is somehow seeing is as a normal barrel.
My understanding was that Compound Barrels were not supposed to be able to store anything, and just connect groups of barrels around corners/ I'm reporting this as a bug.
Also noticed they don't seem to "connect" Antibarrels, not sure if that's intended or not.
Nope, compound barrels are meant for storing items, but they dont have a model/skin and they cant have upgrades (except for tier upgrade, if not in this then next update). Essentially if you have a huge storage storage facility and you dont want to lag the hell out, you use compound barrels, because they render as fast as normal blocks, like planks do.