Yet Another World Protector

Yet Another World Protector


The "spawning" flags also delete existing entities

EssieFir opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm using the spawning-animal and spawning-monster flags on a 1.19.2 Forge server and they appear to be deleting the mobs that were present before the claim.
These mobs are named using name tags and don't despawn outside of a region.


The despawning of entities is intentional. I am aware that this mechanic currently also gets rid of named entities.

As a workaround you can try keeping them outside of the region and put them back in, after the flag is added. This way they should not disappear.

I am looking into a "fix" to not remove named entities to avoid this.

I even try to add this to the next update - no promises.

Best regards


Instead of specifically named entities, it shouldn't remove any entities with the "persistenceRequired" tag set to true, so that the entities don't have to be named. (Named entities, when named with a name tag, automatically have this tag set to true anyway)

Thanks for this mod by the way, it's exactly the mod I needed for a project I'm working on, it's very good!


Thanks for pointing this property out for me! That make it much easier and more reliable to implement.


Resolved with 6f5e384.

Will be released with YAWP