Yet Another World Protector

Yet Another World Protector


Region templates

Z0rdak opened this issue ยท 1 comments



For easier management of similar regions, it would be nice to have a feature which allows managing flags, members, etc. for all regions in a group.

Region Templates hold properties of a Local Region, just without the specific area. They can be applied to Local Regions. When the template changes, the Local Regions adapts automatically to the changes of the Region Templates.

Specifically it should be possible to:

  • Define Region templates with the CLI (or even data driven through a custom data pack)
  • Managing the properties of Region Templates with the CLI (flags, affilation, state, etc. without the area information)
  • Apply Region Templates to Local Regions so they are using the Region Template properties
  • Creation new Local Regions with additionally supplying Region Templates
  • Using Local Region templates to quickly setup whole region hierarchies for plot management, mini-games, etc.

For this a data pack would be ideal. Especially because it enables users/server owners/players to share their data packs with their own Region template or FlagSet, etc. definitions.