Yet Another World Protector

Yet Another World Protector


Make team command available for all players

Z0rdak opened this issue ยท 2 comments



To make it easier to manage teams when there are no level 2 operators around, it would be helpful if the vanilla /team command was available to all players.

This would require a mixin to override the team command or intercept the chat commands before they are executed.

To keep this from becoming a potential security risk, a configuration option that defaults to false would be an optimal solution.


  • Intercept /team command and make it available to all players/players with a specified OP level
  • Add a config option to specify the required op level

Definition of Done

  • Intercept /team command and make it available to all players/players with a specified OP level+
  • Add a config option to specify the required op level

It would be interesting to know how other server manage this kind of problem.
Maybe this should be left to server owners to manage themself.


After thinking about it, this is something which I will lay in the hand of other mods. For newer versions, there are quite popular mods, which handle all sorts of command permissions.

But since vanilla Teams are also restricted to one dimension, I am thinking about adding either

  • support for popular mods like FTBRanks for group/team management
  • or implement a system myself to handle this
