Yet Another World Protector

Yet Another World Protector


Can not go to the moon at Ad Astra mod

willis1030 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hi, do you play Ad Astra mod? I found that without YAWP I can normally go to the moon by rocket, but if there is YAWP on server side, rocket will go back to earth(overworld).
I don't know if this bug is on which mod?


Now I have test some command like this:
I create a new server, and go to the moon, failed. then I use this command:
/wp dim ad_astra:moon enable
it shows activated, then I launch the rocket, and landed on the moon success.
after that, I create another new server, try again, and type command:
/wp dim ad_astra:moon enable false
it shows deactivated, then I launch the rocket, and landed on the moon success.
Then I try 3rd time new server and type
/wp dim ad_astra:moon enable true
it success again.
I don't know how to try flags like enter-dim or others, but it seems solved my problem. I don't know why...


now I must type the command for all dimensions as moon mars venus ...and other planets, include their orbits. I guess there should be another way to solve it.


Thanks for the information. Glad you found a workaround.

Please try updating to the latest YAWP version an try it again.

Best regards


I haven't tested YAWP with Ad Astra yet. This sounds like an issue with flags which prevent dimensional travel, but I can't say for sure with this less information.

Please double-check if you are using flags which deny portal usage or traveling to other dimensions. These should be: spawn-portal, enter-dim, use-portal, use-portal-players.
At best, disable all regions, Local or Dimensional and check if this problem still occurs.

Please further state your

  • Forge Version:
  • YAWP Version:
  • Ad Astra Version:

I'll look into how Ad Astra handles dimension travel with the rockets.

Best regards.


hey, I do not notice there is a new version of yawp, now I tried it, and it's the same situation, if not type the command /wp dim ad_astra:moon enable , I can't enter the moon.


Thanks for trying.

I think I found the issue. It seems to be an oversight on my side.

I'll try to fix it as soon as possible and publish a hotfix.

Best regards


I just released a hotfix, which should fix the mentioned issue, for 1.16.5, 1.18.2 and 1.19.2.
I am closing this issue. Feel free to get in touch if you have any further issues.

Best regards