Ye Olde Tanks

Ye Olde Tanks


conflict with grim pack subpart industry - crash with coal

kzintiwife opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When i place coal in the upper left slot (1 or more - i tried both), the game crashes.
i was trying to compress the coal into coal blocks.

  1. key press compression (from crafting tweaks) is okay
  2. it doesnt matter what else is in the table or if it is empty.

Ye' Olde tanks with JEI only, no crash
compat layer by itsself, no crash
starts crashing when compatlayer is added to Ye' Olde Tanks

here is the crash report.

Link to crash report/log in a gist:

YeOldeTanks version: YeOldeTanks-1.11-1.9.2
Compatlayer version: compatlayer-1.11.2-0.2.1

Minecraft version: 1.11.2-forge1.11.2-, 1.11.2



Finally found the mods that was causing the problem --- its only ye old tanks and Grim pack - industry