You're in Grave Danger

You're in Grave Danger


Update to 1.20.1

LEclipse1001 opened this issue · 5 comments


I have recently moved to 1.20.1 & it was a little disappointing when I noticed that this mod hadn't updated yet. I don't want to be that person but it is a little annoying. Whenever you could do this it would be great. Thank you in advance.


I'm pretty sure there's already work going on to update, there's some activity on the "1.20" branch


Is there any way we can build an early version of the mod for 1.20/1.20.1?


You could join my discord and ask for tester role. That or building it manually from just downloading the source


Yes I can clarify that a 1.20 update is planned, and in the works. It's just I've been putting time into a lot of other stuff since basically 1.19.4 released. I decided to rewrite the mod for 1.20, so that's also a reason that it's taking so long. The mod is in a playable state atm, but I feel like I want to add a few more features and such before a public release


I updated the mod for 1.20 (and 1.20.1) the other day. It's still in beta, but it's released anyway, so I'll mark this issue as closed