You're in Grave Danger

You're in Grave Danger


Grave did not generate in v1.2.1

ClaudiusMinimus opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the bug
I am using your mod in my pack, 99 Mods on the Wall: Fabric Edition, which will be published on the 30th with the release of 1.18. In testing today, I was playing in a single-player world and was killed by a mob from Gobber. When I went to the gravesite there was no grave, and therefore my inventory was gone.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Nothing to add but was said above.

Expected behavior
Should have been a grave placed with my inventory.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Pop OS (Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Minecraft Version: 1.18-Pre7
  • Version: youre-in-grave-danger-1.2.1


generateGraves = true
retrievalType = "ON_USE"
dropType = "IN_INVENTORY"
deleteEnchantments = ["minecraft:vanishing_curse"]
soulboundEnchantments = ["yigd:soulbound"]
blacklistBlocks = ["minecraft:bedrock"]
blacklistDimensions = []
graveInVoid = true
graveSpawnHeight = 2
lastResort = "DROP_ITEMS"
defaultXpDrop = false
xpDropPercent = 50
renderGraveSkull = true
renderGraveOwner = true
adaptRenderer = false
tellDeathPos = true

generateBlockUnder = true
inOverWorld = "minecraft:cobblestone"
inNether = "minecraft:soul_soil"
inTheEnd = "minecraft:end_stone"
inCustom = "minecraft:dirt"
whiteListBlocks = ["minecraft:air", "minecraft:water", "minecraft:lava"]
soulboundEnchant = true

Thank you,


I can't seem to replicate this issue... I did find however that I forgot some things while implementing the 1.18 pre release update, where the world height changed. Hence why the grave didn't want to generate the grave at y=-3. There's also a tiny bug where "tell death pos" will only tell you where you died (will fix this in the next update as well), and told you a different location than what showed up in your logs, which is the same location but y=4 instead. Can you please check if the grave is there?
Thank you


I had to dig to find it, but it was there exactly where you said it would be.
Thank you and I look forward to the next update.


New version with these features are now in the newest version of the mod for 1.18 (and 1.17). (versions 1.1.8 and 1.2.2)
Thank you for using my mod!