YUNG's API (Forge)

YUNG's API (Forge)


[Fabric 1.18 branch] Trying to build from source fails

bravely-beep opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Looks like this is because I don't have your ossrhUsername and ossrhPassword

A problem occurred evaluating root project 'YUNGs-API'.
> Could not get unknown property 'ossrhUsername' for Credentials [username: null] of type org.gradle.internal.credentials.DefaultPasswordCredentials_Decorated.

I just encountered a problem with this today and the solution mentioned in NeuronRobotics/nrjavaserial#123 fixed it for me. Basically, replace the credentials field near the bottom of the build.gradle with

            credentials {
                username hasProperty('ossrhUsername')?ossrhUsername:''
                password hasProperty('ossrhPassword')?ossrhPassword:''

Also submitted a PR: #30


Not sure why, but this fix does not work for me. Printing the same experssion (hasProperty('ossrhUsername')?ossrhUsername:'') indicates that it pulls the username/password properly, but for some reason I get a 401 when using this expression when publishing.