YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Forge)

YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Forge)


Vanilla structures spawning inside of temples

ThatSava opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Mod version:


Api version:



In some worlds, vanilla wells can spawn in temples and prevent progress.

How to replicate:

Make a world with the following seed: 2591626919953876320
Teleport to following coordinates: -847 58 4335
You should be in a temple basement. If you try to progress the intended way, you will quickly find a vanilla well that is stopping you from continuing, this is easier seen in spectator mode. Attached is the image of following behavior.
Vanilla well in the middle of temple

Suggested fix:

As I haven't done a lot with structures, I can't really offer a concise fix, but what I would look into is making a mixin that checks the base coordinates of vanilla structures before spawning them, and preventing them from spawning if the coordinates overlap with temple coordinates.


Huh, we were unsure if this is intended behavior on ftb legend of the eyes discord. I assumed it was not since you can't progress through it without breaking blocks. And, well, breaking blocks is not that fun with mining fatigue.


You should be able to crouch walk through the middle


This is actually a fairly rare piece that can spawn as part of the temple, intended as a reference to vanilla desert wells lol


I am going to defend by staying silent. Thanks