YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge)

YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge)


Spawner with wrong mod type

Eatham532 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm not too sure about this. But a zombie in this mob spawner just seems wrong. I think it should probably be a spider because otherwise, the zombie would get stuck in the webs. Also, a spider just seems right with there being webs everywhere.

2022-10-04_21 49 15
The photo is of the spawner in the big library

Version: 1.19.2, V3.2.1


It should definitely be a spider spawner. Fabric or Forge? And are you using other mods that may affect spawners?


Fabric sorry, forgot to mention that. All the other issues I opened are fabric.


No i was just using your mods


Yeah, looks like a few of them are set to zombies instead of spiders. Will fix that in a future release