


Can't use commands to rotate special entities as the tp command expects zenith:movable

Hexicube opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm working on a datapack to add some functionality and I need to use tp commands on a marker entity.

I'm using the following command to rotate a marker:

/execute as @e[tag=hexi_portal,limit=1] at @e[tag=hexi_portal,limit=1] run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~

I get this error within the unexpected error message tooltip:

class_6335['Marker'/11, l='ServerLevel[Datapack Testing]', x=-62.50, y=117.50, z=301.50] provides no component of type zenith:movable

This obviously causes the entity to not rotate but otherwise allows the mcfunction script to continue running, if I disable Zenith the marker rotates as expected which I'm using to spawn particles in its' facing direction.

I've tried adding the zenith:movable nbt data entry within cardinal_components like how it appears on most mobs but this doesn't help.


this also happens when just trying to teleport all items to myself, i think its just something with the tp command and the @e target option, i get the same error in the tooltip


Nothing to do with @e, it will work fine if you use that to select mobs.

Items is surprising though, I thought that worked fine when I tried it but it's been a while.


yeah it doesnt seem to work for me on the latest ver