


Suggestion: Enchant Item Scrapping blacklist

Shibva opened this issue ยท 4 comments


There are some mods that when you make an item it comes pre-enchanted; some may be super easy to get and have good stuff only to have a low durability.

This can be a problem so why not include a method to tell what items cannot be extracted or even further what enchantments of an item cannot be extracted

here's the idea:

Let's say mod X adds in a new pickaxe that comes pre-enchanted with Efficiency III and Mending, and you enchant that to Efficiency IV and Silktouch. A config will have the value modX:pickaxeExample [minecraft:efficiency 3, minecraft:mending], anotherMod:exampleForSintaxPurouses. if you use a book of scrapping capable of removing every enchantment the book will only be able to return Efficiency III and Silktouch and if the item dint have the added enchantments it would show an output in the anvil

Example Config format
preEnchantItemsToBlacklistScraping: (list) mod:itemName [mod:enchantNameA level_A, mod:enchantNameB level_B]


this can allow developers to blacklist being able to remove specific enchantments from items that when made have enchantments with them. A primary example is some of the weapons in Twilight Forrest such as the fiery iron sword


Hmm, I like this idea, should be able to implement it in 0.6.4


I might as well suggest us to the apotheosis devs as well

Edit: this; God, dammit Siri learn to recognize my voice better lol


This idea was made in mind with the mod Spectrum spawning this idea as it offers items that can be made "pre-enchanted"

The same could go with Twilight Forrest as well since there are a few as well that do this too