[Fix] ToolTip fix for mods that break Masterwork, Twisted, & Corrput Echantment name colors
Shibva opened this issue ยท 4 comments
This is an experimental fix that I have tested with my pack and fixes an issue I had caused by some unkown mod in this pack that makes the colored text for Masterwork, Twisted, & Corrput to instead be registered without its unique colors,
This is done by adding format codes into the string of the lang
This complies with merge request #50's changes to the lang file.
NOTE: this fix might be considered aggressive; though I'm not sure. it does force these enchant names' color to be maintained no matter what.
If you wish for this to be applied; respond to this with a message and ill create/update my current pull request to include it
I don't see a reason why not, I might add it to the 1.20 version I'm working on as well (I'm re-porting the entire mod as the current state of zenith 1.19 is bandaid fix after bandaid fix)
I'm not sure how much I'll be maintaining the 1.19 version afterwards, I don't want to completely drop it but working with a fresh port is much less painful lol
I've also kind of been neglecting the issues on this repo... I'll get to this and some of the other issues in the next few days hopefully