Fire Aspect breaks Knowledge of the Ages
lmvdz opened this issue · 9 comments
Perhaps hooking into the application of fire aspect on the entity and adding an NBT compound entry on the entity could fix this?
Hmm I can't recreate the issue with just KOTA and fire aspect in Prom 2 on the same sword, I'll check through the rest of the enchants to see if there might be some sort of other problem
Question, is it never proccing KOTA? or just sometimes? Because the Echo enchantment (and all other AOE damage enchantments from MCDW) appears to not pass the information needed to figure out if KOTA should proc
I couldn't find an issue with any of the other enchantments, this is quite odd
If the fire tick causes the kill the KOTA enchant doesn't proc, and items are dropped.
It looks like this mod fixes the issue (as it is a vanilla issue)