Not technically a bug but driving me crazy.
linaraincalzando opened this issue ยท 5 comments
When interacting with any of Zenith tables if I am holding piece of armor it equips it.
That does sound annoying, but I don't know exactly how to fix that... hmm
I'll look into it, but no promises on finding anything
After further play I can confirm its not just armor but anything that has a use. For example if I have a spectrum knowledge gem in the inventory slot that I am using interacting with zenith tables the interaction is also having you interact with the knowledge gem to causing it to give you the experience in the gem like a continuous right click. I hope that info helps.
That does sound annoying, but I don't know exactly how to fix that... hmm
I'll look into it, but no promises on finding anything
most likely what is happening is you're not cancelling the right click action before opening the screen
To clarify, I was just using the knowledge gem as an example of what it happening being not only an action but a persistent interact of the right click because it is in continuous use. The Spectrum knowledge gem only gives
experience back when actively being right clicked with.
That does sound annoying, but I don't know exactly how to fix that... hmm
I'll look into it, but no promises on finding anythingmost likely what is happening is you're not cancelling the right click action before opening the screen
Ah yeah that was it, was PASS instead of CONSUME
I feel really dumb now lol
Fixed in the next version