Enchantments are very random and don't respect max power level
pihaizer opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Steps to replicate:
Create a modpack with the following configuration
- fabric version 0.14.25
- zenith-1.0.1
- zenith_attributes-0.1.3
- fakerlib-0.1.0
- fabric-api-0.91.0
- Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FABRIC
(basically only Zenith and it's dependencies)
Create a new world in creative
Place an enchantment table and surround it with regular bookshelfs so that Quanta is 15
Try enchanting some items (e.g. a sword or a pickaxe)
Sometimes you get all level 1 enchantments, sometimes you can get max-level enchantment on the first option.