Packet painting name size does not account for multibyte symbols
dantaeusb opened this issue · 5 comments
The paintings are not loading for other players if the name of the painting is longer than ~16 symbols in non-english alphabet (non-ascii symbols). The error in console says: String too big (was 34 bytes encoded, max 32)
, which means that packet strings are limited by the byte size, but the interface is limited by the 32 characters. The packet size should account for the largest possible symbol size (4 bytes, 32 symbols per 4 bytes = 128 bytes max)
Короче когда картину пытаюсь посмотреть или повесить, её нету и пустая рамка тупо, и в консоли пишет типо String too big...
Fixed in 1.19.2, waiting for fix in 1.20.1
Не исправлено бро, у меня консоль ошибками вечно срет.
Related to #128