All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


(Suggestion) There should be a small warning about attempting to craft "the perfect compound?" from spectrum.

Clonephaze opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Spoilers ahead if you haven't progressed through the mod:

The craft "the perfect compound", or "midnight aberration" once you've made it once, is incredibly destructive to the surroundings of your fusion altar. The in-game guide nor the in-pack quest list say or even suggest that this might be the case. All of my plants, trees, tons of my dirt, part of my pond, so much destroyed. That isn't cool and is incredibly frustrating that all my decorations are just gone now because of a craft required to progress though the mod. You can see the destruction in the pictures. The liquid that spawns breaks things like water does, but also sets wooden things on fire and eats cobble and dirt.
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I agree, the first time was frustrating, and if you didnt build a bowl or perimeter, the lightning or fluid can do some damage. I am not sure how you would mention something about this in the quest line without spoilers. Maybe a mention of Babel or Icarus or something might be prudent to hint at the hubris of the "perfect compound"...


The in-world story of Spectrum is great, and this plays into that "discovery" style story. I think that mentioning mythology might be to obscure for people to understand the reference. To avoid this it might be worth mentioning it being important to use a strong foundation, just in case of accidents, in the fusion shrine quest. Then you can reference the accidents a little up to that point, just to stress the importants of using strong blocks, maybe give a range (16 block radius at worst i believe?)


Yeah, I didn't love discovering that a mod that has been otherwise benign up to this point was gonna turn left real quick and destroy a bunch of decorating I did with no warning of any kind at all. Don't get me wrong, the discovery up to that point was awesome. I was having a lot of fun, this immediately detracted all that fun for me. I don't get to play a super long time, to see that roughly 45 minutes of trying to "pretty up" the area was obliterated by some dumb craft was irritating and not fun at all. I think a simple "due to the unknown forces at work, it might be better to build your fusion altar away from your work area for now" would solve all issues without giving anything away except that something destructive was gonna happen. I don't even wanna touch the mod now lol; for all I know, the next craft is gonna set off a bomb or release a swarm of those self replicating blocks this mod seems to love.


I would love to see some guide related storyline on this too, like the player slowly realizing that maybe some of the forces they have been invoking to make faded and such might be more destructive than they thought. It seems the story is the player throwing themselves into the magic with wild abandon. The book reads like someone has been studying but and learning, but this quest definitely puts a damper on that


That would be cool, maybe a suggestion for their github. I would love it if this pack just added a line to their own quest list about it. At the moment it would be like if thaumcraft never warned about flux, and your world just started deteriorating around you for no reason. Thats not a fun discovery, that's bad gameplay.


It isnt really for no reason, you directly initiate the cause, watch the cause, lament at the destruction that you unwittingly just unleashed... you know what did it and the in-game guide changes to let you know you oopsed, but you dont really have another choice :(


Thats true, I should say "for seemingly no reason" since you don't get the reason until after the destruction happens.


done ๐Ÿ‘Œ