All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Iron Chests: Restocked barrels visible in REI even though unobtainable

spokrr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Title says it all.
These barrels are unobtainable, even through using Chest Upgrades, and even looking through the source of the mod itself there are no recipes. This might be a WIP, in which case I believe they should be hidden from REI. Definitely just an enhancement, but a welcome one.


This is an issue for the Ironchests Mod, if I were you I would close the Issue here and open one in the other repository since this issue has nothing to do with this modpack.

But I agree, having these would be kind of cool ^^


This modpack, however, can label those as REI hidden as it does with the unified ores and such so this issue can still apply to the pack


I added a PR for IronChests to add recipes for the barrels. Maybe it will be accepted even if there are no upgrade items for the barrels yet.