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All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Chipped recipes still unavailable

Icecreep109 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


From what I can tell, recipes for Chipped chiseled blocks are still not automatable, either with AE2, Create, MI, or anything else. They are also not craftable manually using the vanilla stonecutter.


They do work but due to the current kubejs tag bug they only load on /reload.

This would be fixed with KJS 6.1 but it's not out yet, still in testing.

In the interim, I'm not seeing /reload as a command, and /kubejs reload cleint_scripts doesn't seem to do anything, is there something I am missing? For context I am on a server (which I am running)


you require op to run the reload command or you can run it from the console


Ahh, thank you. I must have made a mistake somehow, because it wouldn't run from the console previously


They do work but due to the current kubejs tag bug they only load on /reload.

This would be fixed with KJS 6.1 but it's not out yet, still in testing.