All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Red Bits book no recipe

spokrr opened this issue · 2 comments


According to the mod page, it is meant to be found through looting, but I've been adventuring for several hours and haven't found it. Would be nice to have a recipe, maybe just a book and redstone.

Sorry for no images/examples, am on mobile atm.

commented => {
        Item.of('patchouli:guide_book', '{"patchouli:book":"redbits:guide"}'), 

You can add this to a file with a .js extension in kubejs\server_scripts\

If you want to keep the organization up:

  1. Open kubejs\server_scripts\recipetypes
  2. Create a folder named redbits
  3. Create a new file, name it shapeless.js (if you have file extensions hidden, you may need to turn those on to be able to see the extension and change it to .js if needed)
  4. Paste the above in it

The recipe 1 Book + 1 redstone torch = redbits guide should be available the next time you load your world. This is a serverside modification so if you are playing on someone else's server it would require an update there (or a pack update)


If I had access to my PC I would definitely make a PR for this 😭