All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Create Water pump

Beezone32 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Create water pumps are no longer pulling from water pipes for a water source , along with when pulled up in ponder will crash the game


please post the crashlog (and make sure you are on the latest version of the pack)


My Create water pump setup suddenly stop to work here too after updating to the new version of the pack. But, nothing of game crashes here


might be an issue with Roots Classic adding a newer version of porting_lib than the older version of Create uses.


Here is the crash report


The crashing on the 2nd section of the 2nd page of the pipe ponder (where it shows pulling fluid) is a Create bug. it happens with only Create and Fabric API present but is fixed in the lastest create version.

The being unable to pull from a pipe is caused by an updated Porting Lib from roots, which breaks Create's ability to pump from source blocks at all....(also fixed in latest create)

seems that either roots classic will need to be removed or crafts & additions will need to be updated by the dev to be able to update Create to the latest


Can confirm that they are indeed broken now, can't Roots Classic be downgraded to a previous version where porting_lib was the same as Create's one? Or is there no newer version of Create available maybe?


pack dev is waiting on 1 more create addon to update, then Create can be updated to resolve this issue.


This should be resolved by the latest pack update. Can you confirm?


Yes, last updates fixed it, confirmed fixed since Create was updated