All of Fabric 6 - AOF6

All of Fabric 6 - AOF6


Botany Pots

Harrrussy opened this issue · 6 comments


All of my flipping Botany Pots disappeared, with all of my seeds and Supremium farmland.

This is NOT flipping cool.


update notes are your friend


A Major version bump would have been nice, since it is a breaking change.


it did not fundementally change the focus and structure of the pack, so i dont think a major change is necessary. it did go from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0 so that should have clued you in, if versions were going to do it, that there was a large scale change


Well we just try and do what Mojang does. They break world gen between .1 versions... so....


I would say that the semver versioning is referring to public APIs not to application functionality. The only thing similar to an api in this case would be the documented "usage" of the modpack, which would be the questline.

The current questline is backwards compatible and did not break between versions so the semver backwards compatibility is maintained. There were "undocumented/experimental" features of the api that you seem to have been relying on, and changes affecting those "experimental" features are documented in release notes.